- Company size of EonLabs? How many of them are engineers?
- Can you tell me more about the Enigma Trading System?
- Crypto value can evaporate overnight. How do you deal with that?
- EonLabs earns crypto. But can I still be legally paid in Canadian dollars?
- Is the core products and services of Eon Labs outsourced in any way?
- Do you offer new employee adaptation and training programs?
- How can I compete with global talents if EonLabs is recruiting globally?
- More B2B or more B2C products?
- Full-time or part-time job?
- Is there a dedicated time to work or is this a flexible time work arrangement?
- Employment only or is there any other forms that we can work together?
- Do I get paid month?
- Can I ask for higher salary?
- Is there a probational period?
- Am I able to get stock options after probation period?
- Since EonLabs is planning to have an office in Vancouver by the 3rd quarter of 2023, must I relocate to Vancouver, too?
- What perks are you providing, such as health care, pension plan?
- Do I need to get my own device to work on software project(s)?
- What kind of data do I have to work with?
Please don't hesitate to Contact DO for non-technical questions or express your opinions on the hiring process.