⛓️ Interview Process for All (Step-by-Step)

  1. Self-Assessment (SA)
  2. Fast-Track Assessment (FTA)
  3. Evaluation
  4. Employment or Partnership
  5. Base & Bonus Pay or Profit Sharing

<aside> 🚦 If you happen to choose employment and to receive Base & Bonus Pay, PFP is the bonus pay. You’ll see that PFP is just a curbed version of Profit Sharing. And for your base pay, instead of the actual AUM, ibAUM is more relevant to you.


We team up with ATSR partners to generate Excess Gain in MSA based onHoH model.

Ration. As of now, the remaining allocatable prop fund to high performing strategies by ATSR (employees & partners) is north of 3 million and can go as much as up to 5 million BUSD. Also, check out the Allotment Constraints page for more info.

As a partnering ATSR, your ATSR Fee is partially paid to you in singular arrear as defined by ITH (e.g. a week) based on the Excess Gain beyond the last HWM at Settlement with an ascending AUM of up to ACIC. What is ascending? Because EonLabs will not make any withdrawals, at least initially, from the MSA. In addition, we will make Capital Injection based on CI% at each qualified Settlement to raise your potential earnings; and institutional client funds will be introduced and added to your AUM after your Graduation.

As an ATSR, your skin in the game is not mandatory. However, at Settlement, you accrued ATSR Fee is only partially settled because the unsettled portion is withheld to the SNRF, which will be used to absorb the impact of all losses when any of the pre-agreed WBUF matrices is unsurpassed. The accumulated withholding in the SNRF will be paid in a pre-agreed period (i.e. 4–12 weeks for partners, 9–15 months for employees) in arrears as long as WBUF is surpassed.

🚀 Earning Simulation on Google Sheets


Feel free to play with the numbers in the yellow cells in the https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MVnzn0geqaPakzE-xy2yfNxtXUP-4c4k6JsIdXH9TQU/edit?usp=sharing. You can find out more about your income potential. It is assumed that your strategy is at its WBUF performance. It means that while the NAV breached the TMAD, your Excess Gain is gaining so slowly that the MSA can’t be qualified for aSettlement until the last minute of ITH.

💓 Negotiable Metrics

WBUF Key Performance Metrics

Metrics E.g. Limits
ITH a week read Evaluation for WBUF
MRTF 100 per 7 days read Evaluation for WBUF
TMAD 4.306% NAV $\ge$ ATH * (1-TMAD)
TMAEG 9.0% NAV $\ge$ HWM * (1+TMAEG)

The Evaluation page can help you understand more aboutITH, MRTF, TMAD, and TMAEG.

Settlement Metrics

Metrics E.g. Limits
CF weekly weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly
ATSR Fee 20% $\le30\%$ of the Excess Gain
TMAEG 9.0% NAV $\ge$ HWM * (1+TMAEG)

The shorter the ITH that a strategy can achieve, the higher the CF we can set so that ATSR Fee can be potentially paid more frequently. Because CF can be set as high as weekly, it seems that the ATSR Fee can be paid out as soon as new ATH is reached. However, that’s not always the case because the Excess Gain may not be enough to beat the TMAEG. If we carefully look at the application of TMAEG, we will see that in order for the ATSR to qualify for a Settlement on the accrued ATSR Fee, the Excess Gain must be big enough to make NAV go above the last recorded HWM at Settlement by a certain amount. An ATH is essential, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that the amount is big enough.

Capital Injection Metrics

Metrics E.g. Limits
start-up 100k BUSD $\le50k$
CI% 15% $\le20\%$ NAV
1 mil market depandent

The start-up capital injected to your MSA and CI% is inversely correlated to ITH and TMAD.

That is, the shorter the ITH and the lower the TMAD, a larger amount of an MSA start-up capital and a larger value of CI% would be considered.